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Showing posts from January, 2017


Change is the only CONSTANT. It is inevitable.  Few days ago I posted this word   CHANGECOSIS on my Instagram page @_expressit and I challenged my followers to find the meaning of the word, but  I almost forgot we are the Google generation (Lol)  so I got answers powered by Google (lol).                       Moreover, my sister, Ifedolapo Ajakaiye(Mrs) inspired this piece, she sent me the word, I thought it was one of those medical terms they use as medical practitioners , but no it is not.  According to her; "After a long period of study on unhealthy conditions and why it threatens life ; I came across a disease that threatens one's ability to enjoy life and develop one's full potential - CHANGECOSIS  ". Yes!   it is a disease. It is wise to avoid this disease, a threat to happy living and growth , better still run from it.  This Changecosis is an unheal...


The future starts today not tomorrow .  Snap! snap! snap!  What is today's date already?  WOW!  In a blink the whole new year excitement is all gone. Welcome to reality. The year is flying, it does not care if you were not ready or unable to catch up. Are you feeling like you have not been working as planned?  Oops too early for that.  I wrote this piece during an interview and i wrote it because it is a common issue. I realized, there is no way forward with this attitude(I was a victim). Here; We all love the word Tomorrow, we be like ; maybe tomorrow, it's okay tomorrow, tomorrow I will, tomorrow I will fix it, tomorrow is better, tomorrow!  tomorrow!  tomorrow! We end up not doing Shit! It can be really tricky ... TOMORROW ~ A mystical land, where 99% of human productivity, motivation, creativity and achievement is stored. Is it not funny how we postpone everything and never return to them? Sometimes piling up daily duti...

It BEGINS : The preparation process

Happy new year lovelies, I wish you all an amazing time of celebration and a fruitful year ahead. I can feel the excitement in the air . I  really appreciate you all for following my blog , your support, corrections, encouragement and prayers means a lot to me. God bless you greatly.     Day 1 of 365 days , the year has started, waiting for no one to be ready , let me share this with you; It is about THE PREPARATION PROCESS. Everyone goes through a preparation process, but how we go through it differs. Last year has either been good or bad, just there or really amazing,whatever it is, you are in your preparation process. Each time I see someone grumble or panic and worry (just like me those times.. Lol), I try my best to talk them out of it, and help them see the bigger picture and great things ahead of them. Moreover, this is the period that everyone makes new plans, set new agenda, strategize for the next move and all, but then while making all this plans, ...