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So many people say being a student is the sweetest part of life. I can say those people are those that had memorable moments with steady income. Not like i didn't have memorable moments, in fact i had the best time in school involving myself in several activities, but struggling was my middle name.
I could be categorized as a poor student, not academically but financially. Luxury was a distant land far from my struggling land. Affording provisions was tougher than getting an A in my professor's course, and trying to form like some other 'big girls' couldn't be an option. I am too real to be fake.

Sometimes, my mom would call, with her sweet, calm yet defining voice, assuring me of the love she has for me, telling me how much she cares for me, and how she is working hard towards meeting my needs. Other times I get calls from friends who always make me feel not forgotten and so many times I chat with special friends who makes me feel special.

All of these people, with their kind words without  a penny, but i felt rich and wealthy with my big smile. In those moments of feeling loved and cared for, i felt like i had everything i needed. Love became my strength to scale through, and still keeps me going.These are my families, they stick with me through the hard times and love me for who i am. Family Love.

On a cold evening, while waiting for mummy Tofumi's watery noodles(lol), myself and 5 of my friends sat in the room and as usual gisting randomly. But something amongst all that we discussed that evening stroked me. It was a story of something unusual a friend's father did. She said; "my dad did something unusual one day, he came home after work with a lot of gifts and roses for my mom and I. we were surprised and then we asked him, What are these for?” my dad responded saying; "majority of my colleagues at work had several complains about their wives and children today." Then he got to realize how blessed he was that after 20 years of marriage, and nurturing a daughter for the last 18 years, he still had nothing to complain about. At that point i wished i had a Fathers love.

In life,i  have really learnt to appreciate and value people, i mean amazing people,who got your back no matter the case.I stopped communicating with two of my really good friends, but i finally stopped being foolish and started to chat them up after several months of no communication. They both supported me, highhandedly and got me through one of the toughest times i experienced in school. And in my depression, I cut them out again  and stopped talking to them, for a lame reason that i needed to get myself together. I finally messaged them and they were ready to have me back, they responded warmly with so much love, they told me how they have missed me and how hurt they felt due to my action, I smiled instantly. I felt Loved again.

In my beautiful world, there are lessons i have learnt, i have experienced things beyond my age and status quo. But hey, i Live, Love and Learn! people have cut me off, people have taking me for granted and little have acknowledged it. This day, he said to me; "I love my life, because it gave me you, I love you because you are my life. When i look at you, i am amazed by your beauty, both on the inside and the outside, your personality and intelligence. I celebrate our love". After i read this, my heart felt at peace again, you know that feeling when you show so much love to people, but no one ever replicate it, you have to keep being you anyways, because that is what it should be. Yeah i know someone really do appreciate me. Love appreciates.

So the other day, a friend of mine was telling me the story of a guy who lost his mother when he was young. In the hospital where his mother died, the doctor instructed the nurses to take him to the orphanage home, But there was this woman who felt pity and love towards this child. She called the doctor aside and discussed about legally adopting this child, the doctor asked "why? but you have children", she said; "yes, i have two kids but I want that boy to grow up with a mother's love". Recently,this boy became the overall best student in his University. After he finished giving his valedictorian speech at the ceremony, he walked off the stage directly over to a woman, hugged her for a minute straight, and said, “Thank you for adopting me when I was five, and being the biggest inspiration a child could hope to have in a mother". Love of a Mother.

A big friend, gave me some relationship advice, he said, “Honestly, the moment I stopped trying to find the right woman, and started trying to become the right man, my wife walked up to me and said, ‘Hello.’ i picked a lesson from that, i realized that i have to find myself first. Love yourself to be Loved.

The greatest Love i cherish the most is the one who desires to have a relationship with me, the one who hurts so badly when i thread the wrong path, the one who gives me everything, the one who put me first, the one who never leave me to suffer, the one who cares so much , he gave his life to save mine, I mean, he died for me, he made me a royal priesthood, and the apple of his eye. He made me an heir of God, he sanctified me, he saved me forever from condemnation. Now that is Love, God is Love. Unconditional Love.

I am so glad, that the Love he showed us, is encompassing the world. 

Life is short, either you can love or be loved but do not make it hell by not trusting your Love. You have full control over your life, you can as well think twice and make someone's life a lot happier.

Happy Valentine's day Lovelies.

Yaayiii peace

Photo credit:  @esan_harris I.G
Model: @ziedaru_russ I.G

Editor: @iamtife I.G


  1. Replies
    1. Yes oooooπŸ‘ŒπŸ’–
      Thanks for visiting sir.

  2. OMG! I couldn't hold the tears in while reading this. Beautiful and awesome post Sister. LOVE truly is life and the most important which is why it is the greatest comandment. God knew how much we were gonna need love in this life that sometimes leave you wondering if you matter or not.
    But then love comes around in one way or another and all is well.

    Like you said sis, God's love is the greatest and we can always count and rely on that.

    Great post darling. Happy Valentine's Day to you too.
    More grace and strength in Jesus name Amen.

    1. Amen. My darling, thanks for sticking around all the way. God bless you, thanks for the love. I love you girl πŸ’žπŸ’–πŸ’–

  3. Just keep growing like you always say, your story is yet to be heard. Lovely piece darling.

    1. Yeah! We need to keep growing πŸ‘ŒAnd tha is my editor Tife , she helped me correct this write from the mess it was. THANKS for the continuous proof reading. GOD BLESS YOU πŸ™

  4. Wawwww.. Truly love is life, if we aren't love or show love to people we go nowhere in life, love bring things that are not meant to be. Love your piece move grace to grow like never.

    1. Yaaaayiii Rachy visitedπŸ˜πŸ‘, you are right dear, love indeed is Life and life is worthless without love. Thanks alot and Amen πŸ™πŸ‘

  5. Wawwww.. Truly love is life, if we aren't love or show love to people we go nowhere in life, love bring things that are not meant to be. Love your piece move grace to grow like never.

  6. Love(God) will take you far in life and give you a great end. Lovely piece.... JESUS all the way!

    1. Gods love the everlasting love! Jesus all the way ooooooooo! Thanks for visiting


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