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A man once drove into a fuel station to refill his car, which had a fuel capacity of about 60 liters, while the attendant filled his car, a motorcyclist drove to the second pump. Before he knew it, the motor cycle was full and the rider rode off. While he was still at the pump. It then occurred to him that it would be absolutely silly to think “but I came before him, how come he will be the one leaving before me?’

Why? Their capacity is not the same.

There are times in life it seems as though we are stuck at the pump of divinity. Those that came behind you have gone ahead of you, those that learnt from you seems to have outrun you, those that graduated after you are now the ones calling the shots and it is obvious that your capacity is bigger than theirs .

Could it be that your own assignment needs longer preparation? Could it be that your character is being formed for the task ahead?
                It is said that only the one who designed the journey knows what is important. Why don’t you hold on people … My mates have done that …..? My mates have done this …..

But  I am still here doing nothing, having nothing.
It important to know that you spent months of formation in your mothers’ womb and you were even born  to this world alone,  even if you are a twin … So, never classify any one as your mate. 

change your MINDSET,it matters a lot.

God dealing with / in your life is never an estimation of what is happening in the life of your friends or colleagues. God dealing in your life is very PERSONAL and UNIQUE. Take your gaze off other peoples’ path and concentrate on your race. Your will earn your own MEDAL.
All you have to do is to be THE UNIQUE YOU 

Yaayii Peace


  1. Interesting & informative post, Korex!
    I believe this is a very important topic to be discussed. We all experience this and part of it is the way our society & the world entirely is now. Looking @ the media & what it portrays misleads many people with promising futures. Yearning to be like this singer or actress or celebrity or model deviates most of us from our main goals & purpose. We lose our UNIQUENESS. We also go ahead to degrade & limit ourselves when we don't achieve that or we think we can never achieve that position. I believe the best thing is to look into yourself & find your potential & of course change your MINDSET! I still find my self struggling with this too, but it gets better every time & all thanks to God. Thanks for this great eye opener & more blessings & grace from God❤️❤️

    1. Yeah,you are perfectly right Esther, we fall victim of this subcounciosly.From your points I have picked STRUGGLING, which is a challenge, I will reveal certain things about struggling soonest. Thanks for visiting dear.

  2. Thanks Korede for bringing up this topic...sure its going a long way in my life. You just inspired me. Keep it up korex, keep the flag going. God bless you.

    1. Omolara,thanks for visiting.Its a good thing you have realized,just run your own race,your own way. Peace

  3. Nice! encouraging article..

  4. Waow........this just settled my undying thoughts. Thanks korex. You are really small but mighty.this is actually a super dope blog that everyone needs to see

  5. Waow........this just settled my undying thoughts. Thanks korex. You are really small but mighty.this is actually a super dope blog that everyone needs to see


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