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Struggle Its okay BUT Struggle Right

Struggle It's okay But Struggle Right


Mehnnn it's required

Struggles are needed in order to survive in life because in order to stand you have to know what falling is like.In-fact never underestimate the pain of a person, in all honesty everyone is struggling even the the billionaire's. Some people are just better at hiding it than others.

If you are Struggling that means your are progressing. The Struggle you are in today is developing the strength you need for tomorrow...I discovered that the most beautiful smile is the one that struggles through tears.


We shouldn't forget or toss away our history, sometimes it takes our overwhelming breakdown to have an undeniable breakthrough.... don't be shy, be YOU! let people see you Struggle, but never let them see you fall.

For me I love to Struggle with it, till there is a difference, after all we will need something to talk about at the top...


According to "Ummair Haque", Hold on to this; 

  •  Don’t look down: Look up. Our first instinct, when we struggle, is to fight. Our impulses kick in, and we think: to compete is simply to drag other people down—to defeat, conquer, and smash our rivals, foes, adversaries. And so, when we struggle, we often begin to look down on other people. But dragging people down is not going to lift you up. You can vanquish all your adversaries-and still struggle. But a struggle is not a fight between. It is a challenge to You,  To be better yourself.
  •  Climb the mountain: Our second instinct, when we struggle, is to find a way out—and if we can’t find a way, to find a way through. Struggle is suffering. Pain. And the ego always wants to escape the merest hint of pain. So we run and flee. We hide and ignore. Through escapism and denial, we seek to alleviate the wearying burdens of struggle. Yet, there the struggle remains; and there it grows. The hard truth is this: our instincts impel us to minimize our struggles. But sometimes we must struggle more if we are to overcome
  •  Accept the gift: It’s not that struggle will, by hardening you, turn you into a Nietzschean -super being—devoid of emotion, immune to pain. It’s quite the opposite. Struggle will turn you into you. The you that you were meant to be, at your truest, deepest, noblest.

 We will all struggle. It doesn’t matter how fortunate we are, or how noble our births. Great riches and fortunate births are no vaccines against struggle. True fortune is a life wise enough to accept its great struggle. And true nobility is a heart that meets it like a brother. Our struggles are just as unique as our lives. And so it is in them that we discover meaning in our happiness, and happiness in our instants of meaning. Here is the truth: without facing our struggles, every happiness will remain meaningless, and the meaning of our lives will never make us happy.

Note: Please don't confuse your past with your destination.Just because your failing now don't mean you are not better for sunshine.....So Struggle with it now,it pays off today than tomorrow. If we see what we struggling with is worth fighting for and we stop..then we stop LIFE . 

 Some thinks their Struggles is tougher than others but let everyone struggling know they are not alone.

So take a breath, look up, see the track, accept it, follow the track and win it.

Yaayii peace

Photocredit: I.G @esan_harris
MUA: I.G @ibitee_makeovers
Model: I.G and Twitter @swtz_korex


  1. #Truetalk �� We all struggle in one way or another, some are just better are hiding it and we are definitely not alone. We gotta struggle right with our eyes fixed on the prize and goal. Nice one Korex. Very motivational and timely ����More grace dearie��

    1. Yeah right Esther. We are all in this together. Thanks for visiting

  2. Nice one! I find this blog to be a interesting read !!

  3. This is captivating and educative . Keep going ...never stop!!!!!😡

    1. Oluwaseun.. Thanks a lot ✌️keep visiting the blog

    2. Oluwaseun.. Thanks a lot ✌️keep visiting the blog


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