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CRITICS (part 1)

This artistic work explains CRITICS . . . . .

I was scrolling through my time line and then saw this artistic work by @dazeimages on Instagram . I sent him a message requesting to write something about it ,  I was so happy after he agreed.

Why do I link this artistic work with CRITICS?
Here it is  . . .

First, Who is a Critic?  A critic is a person who expresses an unfavorable opinion of something.
It is a practice of judging the merits and faults of something. A critic is one who knows the way but do not drives the car. Critics build NOTHING.  They are like LEGLESS MEN  who teaches  RUNNING.. . .

Looking at the hand in that artistic work , it's so armless and it has no eyes to see with BUT has the boldness to conmpress the face,  regardless of it being incomplete. ..  That just explains it, before you criticize check yourself, If you don't take a little criticism, then please do not critize others.

Yes!  You can acknowledge criticism  but do not be subdued by it. EITHER keep it within as a constant reminder to provoke you enough to fight and disprove it or you pick up your basket and take out the useful ones and then dispose the remaining.

Look at that face, you will see criticism can be a distraction, some people feel fulfilled or successful when they take a bite out of you.

All we need is more encourager's the world has plenty of critics already.

What we have to do :

• Walk away from thoughts that reduces your worth.
• Walk away from failure and fear that stifle your dreams.
• The more you walk away from things that poison your soul,  the happier you be.
• Walk away from people that belittle you or reject you..... So it is not the end of you,  it's the end of their part In your story.
• Respect yourself enough to walk away from anything that no longer serve you,  grow you, or makes you happy.
• Do what you feel in you heart, to be right,  you  will be criticized anyway. You will be damned if you do and damned if you don't. So why bother ?

What matters is,  you are that Unique You that can not be seen or found anywhere in the world 👌

Yaaaayiii peace

ARTISTIC WORK : @dazeimages on Instagram 


  1. This is just fantastic..inspiring article from a super model @korex...keep it going dear


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