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In the past days, weeks and month, I have been fighting with so many things like managing my time and being productive. Yet there is a lot on mind that I want to do, amazing ideas keeps popping in my mind, big dreams all in my head. I knew I really want to do it, my intention is to do it, my spirit is willing but I did not take any action. WHY? Like why do we have things bottled up in our minds and abandon them at the stage of “Intent”.

Just like my friend David told me about a lovely idea he had and I exclaimed! What is stopping you, just start, do it, it is really amazing. Well he gave me reasons why he couldn’t start, reasons like; I need a team, I need to learn more about it and so on. I agreed with him then. But now, I am so sorry to disagree with you David. Those excuses are not valid reasons, which fall back to my question earlier. Our spirit and mind is ready and willing to do something but we do not take actions, WHY?

I consider most of us get ourselves on one end of this spectrum or the other while some of us, like me, go back and forth depending on what is going on in our lives and how we feel at any given time. Yet, the ability to create a dependable sense of balance with our goals and actions i.e. dreaming vs. doing, has got a lot to do with not only how effective we are in making things happen in life, but also with how much joy and fulfillment we experience.
This is the wake up call; “Represent mobility or freedom. Put one foot in front of the other, take deliberate and careful steps, do something.

James 1:23-25; "For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man who looks intently at his natural face in a mirror. For he looks at himself and goes away and at once forgets what he was like. But the one who looks into the perfect law, the law of liberty, and perseveres, being no hearer who forgets but a doer who acts, he will be blessed in his doing.  

One way to create security is not to worry about screwing up. For those things we have to learn before we do them, we learn by doing them. Spirit is great, but no arms, no legs, who cares about your spirit (it is not visible).  You can do amazing things if you get started … with the right spirit."

Also understand you can have the right spirit, but if you are not doing anything about it, then it is useless, no one cares. So, JUST TAKE ACTION, Do It!

Allow yourself to focus on your dreams. Having passionate desire without attachment is one of the most important elements of us making our dreams come true. However, because most of us have been hurt, disappointed, or let down by goals that have not been accomplished, we tend to hold back when it comes to thinking about it and visualizing.
  • One of the biggest challenges you encounter in your journey towards your dreams is not taking effective action, “because you don’t know what to do or you are too scared to do it” or taking too much fruitless action, because you are running around or acting in an ignorant way. Don not dwell on “INTENTS” come up with instant and appropriate actions to move forward with your goals, even if you are scared and not sure how things will turn out. We habitually need guidance, advice, and support in this process because it can be confusing, intimidating, or both.
  • Support and feedback are essential aspects of life, success, and growth as we all know. Specifically related to our dreams it is crucial that we have empowering support around us. We need one another, God did not create us perfect, no one has all the gifts. Leaders and judges were even appointed among the people to assist Moses in leading the people of Israel. So get others involved, you can not do it alone. Well, virtually not as easily or effectively. 
  • It is important for us to enjoy the journey and not take ourselves or life too seriously, relax in it. Sometimes, as you may have noticed, we get really intense, uptight, and stressed out about our goals and dreams almost as if we are holding our breath, waiting to exhale once things all turn out (I am 101% guilty). Having fun along the way ensures you keep things in view and enjoy the ride, regardless of the outcome.

Do you want to know who you are? Don’t ask. Act! 

Action will delineate and define you…. Small deeds done are better than great deeds planned …. Action is the fundamental key to all success.

Yaaaayiiii Peace

Photo credit : I.G; @niyi_abiola 


  1. Finally! Been itching to read this for like....

    1. 😁😁... Thanks for reading πŸ‘

  2. OMG! Akoredemi, I honestly believe God specifically gave you this message for me. Some many plans and willingly spirit but not ACTION. Thank you so much for this darling. God bless you so much.
    Let me go and start putting things in action and you too, make those dreams & plans a reality.πŸ˜‰

    1. Thankful to God always.... Yes oooπŸ˜‰πŸ™Œ ACTION πŸƒπŸƒ

  3. Wow honestly I agree with Esther, I have had a lot popping in my head but each time am about to take action I just find my self giving excuses, thereby procrastinating certain things. A quick step of action indeed is very vital in achieving one's dream. Am so taking that step right now! God bless you honey. More grace baby girl #loveyaloadsπŸ˜™πŸ˜™

    1. Like in the midst of confusion, God always come through, this words hit me myself.... OYA, ACTION πŸ˜πŸ‘πŸƒ

  4. Awesome piece dear..sometimes we come up with different excuses why we cant achieve our goals. well the fact is that,most of use are just scared of failing. Personally, I have found comfort in -thinking of the best outcome of a plan instead of the worse and also sharing my ideas with those I perceive to be positive minded. Trust me this has made me productive and more enthusiastic about me goals.thanks for this inspiring piece korex, keep on rolling.

    1. I love that... "find comfort in thinking of the best outcome of a plan instead of the worse " πŸ‘Œ Action!... Thanks for rolling with me 😁😁😁😁

  5. This is an amazing piece... A piece that brings peace to heart and steadiness to feet

    1. Glory to God πŸ™Œ... Precious, so you just joined the team .... So Action πŸƒπŸ˜

  6. Johnson Ocheche9 May 2017 at 17:37

    .......and I love this piece. God bless you..

    1. Amen, God bless you greatly.... Legoo πŸƒπŸƒ Action 😁


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