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9 shades of Unique Nigerian Women /Ladies

In a gathering, the topic of discussion was about how women / Ladies nowadays all over the world, throw away who they really are and just want to keep up with the social trends, lifestyle and be noticed.  An elderly man asked , "can we find Nigerian women /Ladies that still stands out and hold on to our values and culture, women /Ladies that are not shying away from who they really are has Nigerians" ? I had to contribute to the discussion......

Nigeria is an amazing country that is distinctly unique. Talking about women/Ladies , it is quite different when it has do with Nigeria. They are beautiful, now I am referring to both inside traits and outside looks,  Nigerian women /Ladies has it all. Despite the craze, trends, lifestyle and all things going on in the world right now, we still have Nigerian women who are still focused, standing and not intimidated by whatsoever.

Women /Ladies around the world cannot be compared to Nigerians. Nigerian women /Ladies always stand out among other women.

A WOMAN is one whom God has granted the grace, for life to come forth, one who subscribes and practices thoughts and deeds which promote unity among people of colour. A Nigerian woman is full of understanding and ever conscious of this, I am a wife, a mother, sister, Leader, teacher, warrior.

I am tireless, strong, intelligent, beautiful and compassionate.

She gives you life, she is passionate, she is crafty, she is courageous, she is generous and soo sweet,despite her flaws.

Moreover,  they are Unique in terms of High moral standards; they are concerned with the principles of right and wrong, growing up with a disciplined Nigerian mother is really amazing, it makes you conform to a standard of behavior and character on their principles. They also Value culture, religion and their dress sense is lovely and Decent.

The world stands in awe at the appearance of a Nigerian woman, especially when the looks are matched up with brains. She is Strong willed, determined, independent, naturally trained to be a mother and they last long in marriage because cos they are recilient in nature.

I was able to get some ladies to share their thoughts on this, here is their response ;

Pogoson Helene said ; "I am unique, I am PROUDLY NIGERIAN. You never can make a Nigerian or breed a specimen to be a Nigerian. No matter how much money and efforts and time spent in trying,  there had always be something off or wrong about that experiment. Born in Nigeria is Nigerian not otherwise. Most importantly,  as a Nigerian woman, I can never blend into a crowd, I always stand out. From styles to values,  cultures,  the way I behave,  the way I carry myself,  the way I talk, laugh,  address people, dance, sing, pray,  shout etc.. Everything combines together to make me the beautiful and unique Nigerian woman I am and nobody is like me in this world".. That is her stand.

Ogunnaike Sharon says: "what stands me out as a Nigerian woman is my strength and my continuous drive for success .

Ayinde Boluwatife says : "I am unique as a Nigerian woman because of my will and the choices I have to make, the way I talk, dress, act what I eat, where I go, the way I dance, my sensitivity towards things. Not to forget the special gap teeth that people love. To crown it all, the love I have for my tribe. I am a proud Yoruba girl. "

Esther Ademiju emphasized on our mothers, our Jewel that drills us and never spare the rod to spoil the child.  Even if they have to give you pain reliever later. They will beat the craziness out of you. ALSO Esther mentioned the eye and nose signals, actually it is the whole body (Lol). We are trained to understand those signals to caution our bad behaviors in public and if you don't behave you are in soup when you get home. I am sure every Nigerian woman /lady understands this. God bless our mothers. This makes me come to the conclusion that every lady born and brought up In Nigeria has no excuse not to be at her best.

Applauding every Nigerian woman /lady who has not forgotten her root, or thrown away her values and dignity.

Yaaaayiii peace

Photo credit : @esan_harris


  1. Nice post korex, you one of the very few Nigerian ladies with a unique mind mixed with style and moral

    1. Thank you for taking your time to read David.. 😁😁thank you,you are amazing too

  2. Wow, beautiful post korex. I am so moved to tears. We definitely have to give it to our Nigerian ladies and women who haven't thrown it all away with civilization and all. We gotta embrace our culture and let it shine from inside out. More grace and wisdom dear. God blessπŸ˜‰πŸ€—πŸ˜˜

    1. Yes ooo.. God bless you darling. You are one of the Unique and chosen one 😘😘😘

  3. Wow, beautiful post korex. I am so moved to tears. We definitely have to give it to our Nigerian ladies and women who haven't thrown it all away with civilization and all. We gotta embrace our culture and let it shine from inside out. More grace and wisdom dear. God blessπŸ˜‰πŸ€—πŸ˜˜

  4. This is so sweet. Keep making us proud korex. We love you!!!

  5. Finally there's hope πŸ˜„


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