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EXCUSES (verb)  To exempt from a task, duty or obligation. To serve as an explanation that vindicates, defends or justifies an action. 

This excuses we make, seek to lessen the blame attaching to a fault or offence; you know trying to justify. Sometimes we release our friends or colleagues from a duty or requirement with excuses. 

Excuses!  Excuses!  Excuses! .. Hmm they are the nails used to build a house of failure... By the time that house will collapse it will be a shocker. 

****  A quick story of two final year students, writing their final year project,  a 6 unit course. Girl 1 has a laptop while Girls 2 does not have.  These two girls had the same deadline and different supervisors.  Girl 1's supervisor is always available,  Girl 2's supervisor comes around once in a blue moon . Girl 2 became really worried and concerned about how to get her project done in time, despite all the challenges. So she came up with the idea of borrowing any laptop she can get , she bought a flash drive since her parents can't afford a laptop at that time.. So she continued working borrowing people's laptop and then one day all her past works done on the flash formated somehow and she had to start all over.. GIRL 2 became weak, deadline is close by,  no one wants to borrow her laptop but then she came up with another idea to borrow a laptop from a junior student who does not use it often. That's how she continued her project. BUT Girl 1  gave her project to someone to write for her, regardless the fact that she had all she needed, afterwards the person failed her,  another person offered to help but needed her presence but she kept giving the guy excuses on why she can't come to review the project with him ,  1)she gave excuses that she can't be facing a laptop screen,  that is why she got an helping hand  2) she got an helping hand but gave several excuses on why she can go review the project.  Deadline came and Girl 2 had finished and printed her project ready for defense BUT Girl 1 was still trying to figure out the project. At the end Girl 2 got a B and Girl  1 got a D. Please who had better chances of succeeding?  I choose Girl 1 because she had it all but  excuses ended her up with failure.    
No more excuses excuses make no results***

The more the  excuse for any task or activity the further delay. 

You can have results or Excuses, not both. So choose.  Excuses are the tools of incompetence used to build monuments of nothingness. 

Some of us shy away from things cos they are not important, if they are really important you will not make excuses you will find a way. 

I learnt from Mohandas  Gahandhi  that "Actions expresses priority" 

157,8000,4580,00000 excuses are no Excuse at all .You know,  when I lost all my excuses, I found my result. 

Face your faults,  admit your mistakes now and stop making excuses for them or self defense. ' cos you will never change or be better. 

99% of failures are professionals In making excuses. 

I hear people say : I just can't change...  Pls who says why not find a reason to change, considering things that are at stake, and build one small new habit daily. Then you on the way to change. 

Some say: I am just tired I will do it Tomorrow.
• Let's see how TOMORROW goes. 
• Ookay I will finish up TOMORROW, no light.

TOMORROW TOMORROW the TOMORROW that never gets things done. 
I saw this definition of tomorrow 
Tomorrow (noun) -  a mystical land where 99% of all human productivity, motivation, creativity and achievement is stored.... That cracked me up though.

Give excuses about everything so that you will end up doing nothing 
No excuses.. Enough is enough get things done. 


  1. Nice article dear..totally agree, giving excuses slows down opportunity...

    1. Thanks for visiting David... We need more actions, so that great opportunities won't pass us by

  2. Replies
    1. That is the first step @Mykaylah Perez.. Identifying the problem. Now You have to be conscious and add efforts to quit making excuses 🙌God help you

  3. Wow, this is so timely. I definitely needed this ��. We are always gonna come up with excuses for not getting things done. We gotta be intentional and determined. MayGod help us in Jesus name Amen. Great write up dear ����. More grace andwisdom in Jesus name Amen ����

    1. That's right dear God is our only help. AMEN 🙏Thanks Esther

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.


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