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 On a sunny Friday morning, back to the regular Lagos hustle . I boarded a bus heading to Ogudu Ojota , I have never been to  that axis of Lagos before anyway.  A job interview was worth it,so all I had with me was the direct address of the company.  I boarded a bus, hoping to highlight at Ojota bust stop , in my mind I will just follow the directions in the address. Finally, I got down at the bus stop. Immediately I got down, I just  told one of the bike guys where I was going to, according to the address. 

The bike man, nodded his head in agreement, then I asked him again; “oga are you sure you know this place”? He said; “yes na I do.” So I hopped in and he drove off. That is how we kept on going, turning everywhere anyhow…. In my thoughts, I was like this place is far ooooo . At some point I got sacred and had to question the man, are you sure you know this place? He said again; “yes na, we go soon reach there”….. . I got extremely inpatient and I asked him to stop out of anger.  I shouted at him and angrily I just walked up to a random person and ASKED… “please where are we?, he said; ” Anthony”. I was so pissed, I shouted; “SHIT IT”! But I am meant to be going to Ogudu from Ojota. Turning back to the okoda guy, after we spoke in length I discovered he was Hausa. I felt really terrible, like I was going to be late for that interview in 20 minutes. 

Eventually, I got myself back to Ojota, then I Asked 6 people for direction to the address before I was convinced enough about the responses I got. So many people gave me attitude, some ignored me, some thought I wanted to beg for money (fine beggar ,with makeup and heels…lol) , some others just waved like they don’t know. Still I didn’t give up till I was convinced. So I got the direction right after ASKING QUESTIONS. In a blink, this rain started falling heavily, I was so sad. I got to my destination anyways, soaked and shivering.  My arrival at the company was exactly 10:30am, interview was for 10am. Note; i left home 6;30am (wasted time , sadly). I was cold and shaking like a jelly fish. Well I was blessed because the interviewer was no yet on sit , so I had to wait for her. 

Now, this is me sited in the waiting room, the A/C was on, I was cold and helpless. While i was there, I thought to myself, why didn’t I ask people around there first before taking that bike?  Like on that spot, a man asked me, you look like you don’t know your way, but I just ignored him. I knew I was scared to ask anyone (scared of the unknown, smh), and I was just in my zone, I just wanted to find my way myself (oshey baddest move to getting lost).

 That action and decision, Wasted a lot of time, just because I didn’t ask a single question, for no good reason.  Finally, the interviewer, came in and said; "you were 30min late, anyways, lets get started … follow me”.   Damn it! At this point I already lost confidence, I was just  thinking of all that happened, my mind wasn’t at rest, because I didn’t like the message I had passed. The first impression I got was negative, “lateness” .  

The interview was written; obviously I couldn’t put in my best, like I was already destabilized by all that happened…. Dear friends I didn’t get the JOB. My only chance to give my best was lost only because I didn’t ask a question. Now WHAT DOES IT TAKE TO ASK QUESTIONS?

Apparently, we all have fell victim of holding back when we really need to ask questions, it could be the fear of people laughing at you, or pride,  or shyness, or being full of one’s self.

My brothers and sisters in the lord, it takes HUMILITY AND COURAGE to ask a question.  Yes, we may think we got it covered, we might feel shy, it could be pride, timidity and overconfidence (and the likes of them).  It is assumed that once you ask it means you don’t know.  There is this perception attached to asking, which steps on our confidence and ego. People tend to look down on you and that becomes a stigma. Now the strongest point of this is that; “You know”, you are steps ahead of others, another knowledge is added to you. In which no one can take from you. The ridicule and shame is temporary but the knowledge is forever.

The key to wisdom is constant and frequent questioning, for by doubting we are led to question, by questioning we arrive at the truth. You know, the big question is whether you are going to be  able to say a hearty yes to your adventure.
A prudent question is one –half of wisdom. One of the amazing things about school, is that it thought us even to question even those things we thought we knew and also question the teachers that thought us. 

Be humble, and confident no matter how stupid you might sound,  no matter how awkward it could seem just ask. Question everything, every stripe, every star, every word spoken. EVERYTHING. Boost your curiosity.

See the scriptures in Matthew 7:7; "Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.
1 Peter 3:15 : but sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence;

Matthew 21:22; "And all things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive."

Joshua 4:20-22; Those twelve stones which they had taken from the Jordan, Joshua set up at Gilgal. He said to the sons of Israel, "When your children ask their fathers in time to come, saying, 'What are these stones?' then you shall inform your children, saying, 'Israel crossed this Jordan on dry ground.'

The only wisdom is knowing that you know nothing.
Ask questions in humility and with confidence.

Yaayiiiiii Peace


  1. Amazing post, Korex.
    Thank you so much for sharing your experience. It really helped in seeing that the benefit is asking questions is way better than any risk that might be attached to it. More wisdom and grace in Jesus name amen. God bless you.


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